Sunday, May 30, 2021

How to make money on Youtube

Although primarily known for their ability to reach out to the world and connect people, social media also offer a ton of money-making opportunities. Today, one of the social media platforms through which you can make money is YouTube. With an audience of over 1.9 billion monthly active users, YouTube is the second largest social media platform in the world behind Facebook. Therefore, you can take advantage of this, and if done right, you’re going to earn good money. In this article, you will learn how to make money on youtube in Nigeria

What are the ways to make money on YouTube in Nigeria?

You don’t get paid for simply uploading videos on YouTube. However, you can earn money from simply following any or all of the procedures below:

Activate video monetization:

you can get paid by allowing ads to display when someone watches your video. However, you have to meet the minimum qualification and connect google AdSense to your account. Actually, AdSense is in charge of both displaying ads on your video and paying you too. To qualify, you have to get at least 1000 subscribers and a minimum of 4,000 hours of watch time within the past year.

Steps to activate monetization

  • Click on the icon at the right corner and select the My Channel option
  • Click on YouTube studio
  • Scroll to the bottom left-hand side of your screen and select Creator Studio Classic
  • Lastly, click on channel, then status and feature, and enable the monetization box

In addition, after this enablement, your videos can be submitted for approval

Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is the future of sales, as it enables you to sell products on behalf of companies. Today, there are thousands of companies running attractive affiliate programs, and you can simply choose one and market through your videos. For every purchase, you get a commission according to your affiliate marketing contract

Earning through sponsorships is no longer a strange deal, as YouTube videos are littered with sponsorship indications. Furthermore, this works by you promoting a company’s products as a form of advert, and get paid according to your contract. Also, sponsorships are one of the best ways to make money on YouTube, because you do not have to forfeit a cut, unlike ads. You can earn sponsorships by gaining popularity, after which brands would approach you, or simply write a proposal to them.

  • Firstly, start by searching for brands that match your audience
  • Write a creative proposal to them within their expected deliverables. Remember to give it your best, as you aren’t the only one applying
  • If successful, you would be brought on board to work with the brand
  • Perform your assigned contractual responsibilities
  • Lastly, get paid


Although it sounds amazing and like easy money, earning on YouTube actually takes time and a lot of dedication. Therefore, if you do not possess enough grit, you might give up prematurely. Most times, you have to start by attracting thousands of views to each video, to build credibility and your audience database. However, if you keep at it, it has the potential to pay handsomely.



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